Groundbreaking Held for New Public Safety Building in Wells
Landry/French Construction participated in a formal groundbreaking ceremony for the new Town of Wells public safety complex.
On June 19th, town officials, staff and members of the community gathered to celebrate the long-awaited facility. Planning for the new 40,000-SF combined police and fire station began in 2012. Police Chief Jo-Ann Putnam, who had advocated for the new building for the past 15 years, spoke at the groundbreaking and thanked Town Manager Jonathan Carter, selectmen, and taxpayers. The new state-of-the-art facility will replace the outdated and cramped 1960’s building that was constructed for use as a town hall.
The architect is Lavallee Brensinger Architects. Construction is slated to be completed end of 2019.

From left, Greg Rossnagel (Landry/French); Mason Rowell (Landry/French); former Selectman Richard Clark; Sean Landry (Lavallee Brensinger); Kevin French (Landry/French); Fire Chief Wayne Vetre; Police Chief Jo-Ann Putnam; Selectmen Dan Hobbs, John Howarth, Karl Ekstedt, Kathy Chase; Town Manager Jon Carter.
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